Here’s something I truly do whenever If perhaps to get 100% i’ve deleted just as much temp files as possible, since I have encounter Disk Cleanup leave stuff behind from time to time.
Click the Start button.
Click Computer (My Computer on XP).
Click the Organize menu near the top left corner within the window (Folder Alternatives on XP).
Click Folder and search options.
Click the View tab
Within the Advanced Settings section navigate to Folders and files Hidden folders and files, click the Show hidden files, folders, or drives radio button and uncheck the Hide protected operating-system files option. If you undertake this last step you are getting a dialog box stating that deleting or editing protected system files will make your pc inoperable. Click the Yes button to check out-finished unchecking that option. Don’t fret i will be careful.
Click the OK button to close the Folder Options window.
Double-click the C: drive to begin it.
Double-click the Users folder (Documents and Settings on XP).
Search for your money and open it up up up.
Navigate to AppData Local Microsoft Home home home windows Temporary Internet Files (Local Settings Temporary Internet Files on XP).
Select all of the folders and files the factor is inside and delete them.
You will probably get your message that some folder or file cannot be deleted properly used. Don’t fret. Just press the CTRL key if you click the offending folder or file and continue deleting everyone other files. In case you again have a similar error message round the different folder or file repeat exactly the same process above to unselect it and continue deleting. When you’re done there must only certainly be a number of folders and files under Temp. Much better than the hundreds you probable began with. Now let us continue.
Click the left arrow located in the upper left-hands side within the window prior to being through the AppData Local folder (Local Settings on XP).
Double-click the Temp folder and delete everything it. Again, as described above, unselect any folders or files that are used and delete the remainder.
Once more, click the left arrow to return to the AppData folder (The main in the user folder on XP).
Navigate to Roaming Microsoft Home home home windows Cookies (On XP the Cookies folder are available inside the reason behind your user folder.).
Delete any folder and file the factor is inside.
Click the C: drive, navigate by home home windows Temp and delete every folder and file the factor is inside.
Visit the Desktop and empty the rubbish Can.
Make certain to follow along with next step to return and hang up a check mark mark across the Hide protected operating-system files option.